
Studio Arts Faculty Featured in Upcoming "Adaptation - Local Notes" Exhibtion

Teaching Associate Professor Melissa Catanese, Visiting Assistant Professor Sean P. Morrissey, Director of abrication Loring Taoka, and Teaching Professor Barbara Weissberger from the Department of Studio Arts in the Dietrich School are featured in the group exhibition, Adaptation - Local Notes, at the Tomayko Foundation.

Preserving Democracy Forum

Calling all Political Sciences students and faculty! On Tuesday, October 8 the Institute of Politics has a program scheduled featuring Jeffrey Kovar, the U.S. Dept. of State Assistant Legal Advisor for Political-Military Affairs, and the program is titled, NATO at 75 and the Importance of Alliances in U.S. Foreign Policy: A Lawyer's View.

Pitt Women’s Soccer Recognizes 13 Dietrich School Faculty as “Most Valuable Professors”

Dietrich School Faculty Invited by Student-Athletes to Attend Pitt Women’s Soccer Match

Pitt Men’s Soccer Honors 10 Dietrich School Faculty as “Most Valuable Professors”

Dietrich School Faculty Invited by Student-Athletes to Attend Pitt Men’s Soccer Match

CGS Alum Wins News Emmy Award

Chris Papst (CGS ’03) won a News Emmy Award from The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.

Did You Know at Dietrich: The Pittsburgh Water Collaboratory

Did you know Pitt is home to the Pittsburgh Water Collaboratory? The Collaboratory was started in 2017 by faculty members from the Dietrich School’s Geology and Environmental Science Department. In 2018 they were granted funding by the Heinz Endowment and have been leading research and outreach efforts throughout the region.

Sam Woolley featured in WIRED and CIGI

Dietrich School’s Endowed Chair of Disinformation Studies Sam Woolley, was recently interviewed for an article in WIRED on Russian-backed media outlets.

History of Art and Architecture Announces New Chair

The Department of History of Art and Architecture in the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences has announced Huey Copeland as the new Andrew W. Mellon Chair and Professor of Modern Art and Black Study.

October 2 Panel: Winners and Losers in the Next 2024 Election

The Department of Sociology in the Dietrich School is hosting a panel next Wednesday, October 2, on the upcoming 2024 election.

Eight Dietrich School Faculty Named “Most Valuable Professors” by Pitt Volleyball Student-Athletes

Eight faculty members from the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh were invited by Pitt volleyball student-athletes to attend their match against UMBC at Fitzgerald Field House on Wednesday, Sept. 26.

It's Latinx and Hispanic Heritage Month!

Happy Latinx & Hispanic Heritage Month! ¡Feliz Mes de la Herencia Latina e Hispana! Feliz Mês da Herança Latinx e Hispânica!

Dietrich School Facutly Part of Emmy Winning Documentary

Visiting Lecturer in the Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies program, Alonna Carter-Donaldson, and Associate Professor in the History Department, Larry Glasco, were involved in a WQED Documentary that has become an Emmy Winner.

Marc Coutanche was elected as board secretary of the Federation of Associations in Brain and Behavior Sciences

Marc Coutanche, associate professor of psychology in the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences and research scientist in the Learning Research and Development Center, has been elected as board secretary to the Federation of Associations in Behavior and Brain Sciences (FABBS).

Rachel Bezanson Talks to KDKA About Pittsburgh's Moon Tree

Rachel Bezanson, observational astronomer and associate professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy was interviewed by KDKA about the moon tree that is coming to Pittsburgh from NASA.

Sam Woolley Talks AI and the Upcoming Elections

Sam Woolley, the Dietrich School’s Endowed Chair of Disinformation Studies, spoke to MIT Technology Review recently about how AI could possibly affect upcoming elections.