Inspired by August Wilson, he’s teaching the next generation of performers

This story was originally published in PittWire by Kara Elyse Henderson, photography by Tom Altany
This story was originally published in PittWire by Kara Elyse Henderson, photography by Tom Altany
Black history? A bake off? What could be better!? Join the English Department at the Dietrich School for Douglass Day at the University of Pittsburgh on Friday, February 14 from 12-3 PM in the Robert Henderson Language Media Center (Cathedral of Learning G17). Douglass Day celebrates Frederick Douglass’s chosen birthday (Valentine’s Day) and represents an opportunity to discover and contribute to Black history by transcribing historical documents.
Join the Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies for:
"Bearing Witness: What Grief Teaches Us About Solidarity, Activism, and What We Can Do Now" with Dr. Z. Nicolazzo
The event takes place on Tuesday, February 4 at 3 pm at the CUE Commons rooms 4310 and 4316.
The Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF) is being hosted at Pitt, starting today, January 14, and will continue through to the 17. It will feature the Pitt Stages 2024-2025 production, The Inseparables.
Appropriately enough, “The Return of Benjamin Lay,” a one-man show that debuted on a London stage in June 2023, will soon deliver Lay’s unique spirit and humanistic vision to the state where he first shared it. The Quantum Theatre production will run Jan. 31 through Feb. 23, at Braddock Carnegie Library, 419 Library Road, in Braddock.
It’s that time of year again, when the adage “new year, new you” holds both promise and pressure. While some 40% of Americans make a New Year’s resolution, very few actually follow through — and most give up by February.
If you’re already feeling listless or overstretched, University of Pittsburgh Learning Research and Development Center Research Associate Omid Fotuhi says it’s common, because most people wrestle with separating their value from their goals.
Avinoff Professor in the Department of Biology in the Dietrich School, Jeffrey Brodsky, was profiled in the Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle published this past Friday. Brodsky was recently inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Chad Taylor, the Artistic Director of Jazz Studies, and William S. Dietrich Chair II, was featured in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 2024 music news round-up. Taylor formerly drummed for Iron and Wine, Chicago Underground, and more. He joined Pitt this past Spring.