Seed Grantees

The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has announced the recipients of grants totaling $2.5 million. The University of Pittsburgh is one of 10 schools who will be receiving $250,000 for a two-year seed grant to help make and implement plans that will help advance more diverse and equitable doctoral STEM programs. After the two-year period universities will be eligible to apply for a four-year, $1.4 million implementation grant from Sloan. That grant will also include scholarship funds for students in those STEM departments.

The President of the Sloan foundation, Adam Falk, had this to say about what this grant means and how the universities can make a difference:

“We know that we can make graduate education in STEM better for everyone, but systemic change is hard. What stands out about these institutions is their level of commitment and readiness. These are campuses that have a vision for how to be better and are eager to take the next step.”

More information on the grant and other recipients can be found here.