While not all-inclusive, these prompts can help guide your conversation with faculty members requesting your assistance in planning their events. Download the PDF.
Type of Event
- Conference
- Lecture
- Meeting
- Panel Discussion
- Reading
- Reading/Book Signing
- Symposium
- Workshop
- Other ______________________
Contact Person/Decision Maker
- Name
- Address
- Telephone number/Fax number
- Source of funds
- Account numbers required (travel, entertainment, accommodations, honoraria, printing, flowers, labor, office supplies, photographer, disability accommodations, etc.)
- Location(s) for event (not all preferences can be accommodated, will depend on availability, capacity, etc.)
- Location for reception
- Location for dinner
- Rental or lease agreement
Disability Access and Accommodations for Speakers, Special Guests, and Participants
- Accessible location
- Special transportation
- Accessible hotel room
- Lowered podium
- Wheelchair access to stage
- Special seating section
- Sign language interpreter
- Invitation
- Background information (CV; publicity photograph; title of lecture, if applicable; audio and video release forms, if applicable; background reading material, if applicable)
- Speaker’s/panelists’ contact information, including telephone numbers
- Honorarium
- Campus escort(s)
- Travel plans
- Accommodations
- Ground transportation between airport/hotel and campus
- Campus shuttle transportation
- Parking/parking passes
- Identify individual to introduce speaker/panelists at event and/or moderate panel
- Thank you/honorarium and expense reimbursement
- One of three guest speaker agreements is required and must be signed BEFORE the event
- A W-9 is required if an honorarium is paid
- Invitations
- Travel plans
- Campus escorts
- Accommodations
- Ground transportation between airport/hotel and campus
- Campus shuttle transportation
- Parking/parking passes
- Design/Printing/Email
- Guest list
- Include campus map on invitation?
- Response deadline date (for Campus Catering, Facilities, etc.)
- Person/telephone number to whom to respond
- Internal distribution, if appropriate
- Extra invitations for archive files?
- Name and telephone number of contact person
- Budget
- Menu-planning (mindful of dietary restrictions)
- Number of tables and chairs for dining
- Number of chairs at head table
- Flowers
- Linens
- Final guest count
- Place cards?
- Host/Emcee
- Schedule of evening/timeline
- Podium and microphone
- Photographer
- Coat rack
- Tables/Chairs/Linens
- Name tags
- Conference/Meeting Information Packet/Pencils/Pens
- Promotional Items (if desired)
- Information table (staffing? materials from department?)
- Overhead projector
- Slide projector
- CD player
- DVD player
- Laptop
- Podium with microphone (podium seal?)
- Lavaliere (small clip-on microphone)
- Microphones for panel
- Laser pointer and clicker